If this is the first page you’ve decided to read I’d like to say, well done to you! It’s vitally important to know who is behind the management of your financial affairs and who will be supporting you whilst you make your first 7 figure sum.
So a little introduction. My career started in education (2002) teaching Business Studies, ICT and Economics in inner London secondary schools – whilst I enjoyed this process immensely, I soon grew tired of my students asking, so Miss, do you own a business?
So, (in true Beverley style, fix what you dislike) I attempted a few businesses from Tutoring to Event management companies but none really stuck. However, I did gain the experience of learning how to set up a business and how important marketing was! You’ve probably guessed it, what I didn’t struggle with was the financial side of things, this came to me naturally. (I do have a degree in Economics to be fair). In addition, around the same period a friend needed help with her accounts and in passing stated how much she paid her accountant – suffice to say that led to the end of my teaching career!
Fast forward 10 years, I retrained, sitting my last qualifying accounting exam 2 weeks away from giving birth to my second child. (Not bad planning just determination – that’s who you have on your side when you join the SDA family!)
If I haven’t convinced you yet that becoming part of the SDA family is one of the best decisions you’ll make then let me add this – you’d like to make a success of what you have been gifted with, yes? Then I can boldly say with SDA by your side, your future projections just got better!
I firmly believe in ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve’ therefore there is no such thing as failure, we’ll aim to ensure that your financial plans (both business and personal) continuously excels! Having the right accountant and wealth builder by your side is one of the most important business decisions you’ll make. So, make it the right one and get in touch with us today!
Are you ready to take a leap with us? Click here
With appreciation