Seeking for Grants during COVID 19

COVID 19 has been a difficult period for most people both on a personal and economic basis. Fortunately there are some alternative funding accessible from other sources.

This page will be updated weekly.

Updated 08.06.2020

To see what is available via the government scheme, please this link here: COVID 19 Government Schemes Support finder

Grant Online gives a detailed list of other grants and funding available throughout the UK and within various industries see here: Grants Online

Grantfinder is another organisation that provides useful links to external grants, see here: Grantfinder

For Charities, Civil Society provides althernative funding options, see here Civil Society.

Do you have ideas that helps address COVID-19 issues, see here for potential funding, UK Reserach and Innovation

Need extra help, see here for: Government budgeting Loans

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