Custom Declarations – what am I doing?!

Have you found a manufacturer outside of the UK? Well, congratulations on taking the big leap! To ensure you get your goods delivered to you there are a few things you need to know – thanks to Brexit. This also concerns you if you are exporting goods but this will be covered via a different blog 🙂 first things first.

Focus here is what you need to do to make sure you receive your goods when moving goods between the EU and Great Britain.

Things to do list:

  1. Register for an EORI (Economic Operator Registration and Identification) number
    1. Use this link if you are VAT registered – click here
    2. This link if you are not – click here
  2. Pay any duties and taxes owed (Nb. if you are VAT registered you could claim this back- just the VAT cost of course)
  3. Most businesses will need one of the following to help with making these customs declarations – so you would need to ask our dear old friend google for any of the following
    1. freight forwarder
    2. fast parcel operator
    3. a customs agent or intermediary – Click on link for third parties registered wih hmrc – List of customs agents and fast parcel operators

I’d like to devote this next section into attempting to explain the process of making the customs declaration yourself but I’d be wasting time – best advice, find an agent above and use them!

Though if are brave enough (and import a ton) then getting access to the relevant software is detailed here. You will also be rewarded with a grant! (From 16.11.2020, you can apply for grants of up to £1000 to cover customs training.)

Did you know:

  • you can apply for a duty deferment account – this prevents you needing to pay each time your goods clear customs (cashflow remember, the longer you can keep your suppliers at bay the better – obviously plan to pay) see link here
  • some manufacturers are happy to change the value of your goods in order to make your import duties bill lower, this is a bad idea generally as this could result in having your goods seized, delayed and/or banned.

For more information on this, book a call with us – 0203 916 5108

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