Beware of the dodgy phone calls

I think it’s fair to say that the number of scams over the phone has increased over the last couple of years. I actually got several phone calls and text messages, so I thought I’d entertain myself. See conversation transcript below. 

Phone rings – As I have Hiya (app picks up scam callers) on my phone, I knew it was a spam caller, at this point I was struggling with some numbers that didn’t add up – so i thought why not – I needed a break. 

Me: ‘Hello, Beverley speaking how may I help?’

Automated voice: ‘this is an important call from HMRC regarding a criminal action against you, stay on the line to discuss this further’ 

Suffice to say that I was no longer intrigued but angry and determined to verbally assault whoever came on the phone. 

The conversation went on for awhile (too long to bore you with) but in a nutshell, I apparently owed HMRC about £5000 and I need to pay it TODAY over the phone if not a criminal investigation would be carried out and I could go to prison. After listening to this the caller’s idiotic ramblings, I laughed and asked how much had he made today from his scams – unfortunately that was the end of the conversation as he hung up. 

There are few of these calls and texts out there, so if unsure please call us immediately.

Some other tips: 

  • Don’t entertain any discussions or provide any information. Disconnect the call immediately and do not return the call on any number you’re given as this can trigger charges. If you’re concerned that you owe tax, use the contact details provided on GOV.UK web pages to get in touch with HMRC.
  • Don’t respond to a text message or open any links it contains.
  • We have come across a few letters and emails, they are very convincing with logos and a typical phone number starting with 0300…but there are also obvious signs that they are bogus such as odd sent from email addresses and obvious incorrect information.

For further information this HMRC website details a few of the obvious scams out. Click here